Organon (Schering) 안드리올 테스토캡 40mg (남성 경구용 호르몬제)

Andriol Testocaps Organon (Schering) 40mg. 60 caps.

Andriol, Testosterone Undecanoate, Androxon, Panteston, Restandol, Undestor, Virigen
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Testosterone Undecanoate
Strength Gains:  2/10
Mass & Weight Gains: 2/10
Fat Burning:
Side Effects:
Ability to keep Gains: 8/10
Usual dosages: 240 - 400 mg per day
Detection time: 1 Week
Best combined with:
Andriol can be taken with just about any anabolic steroid to increase it's bulking efficiency.
Cutting: Andriol is usually not used in cutting cycles
Beginner Use: 6/10
Female Use:   5/10
Pros: Virtually non existent side-effects, low liver-toxicity.
Cons: Very poor results, quite expensive (especially given the poor results).
Description : Andriol, is a unique version of Testosterone Undecanoate developed by Organon. Normal dosage is around 8 to 16 capsules per day.
Andriol is one of the few new steroids developed during the last few years. Unlike most anabolic steroids which were found on the market during the 1950's and 1960's (and which in part, have disappeared) Andriol has only been available since the early 1980's. This fact probably explains why Andriol holds a special place among the steroids. Andriol is a revolutionary steroid because, besides Methyltestosterone, it is the only effective oral testosterone compound. Testosterone itself, if taken orally, is ineffective since it is reabsorbed through the portal vein and immediately deactivated by the liver. The substance Testosterone Undecanoate contained in Andriol, however, is reabsorbed from the intestine through the lymphatic system, thus bypassing the liver and becoming effective. The liver function is not affected by this. Testosterone Undecanoate is a fatty acid ester of the natural androgen, Testosterone, and in the body is for the most part transformed into Dihydrotestosterone, a metabolite of testosterone. For this reason Andriol aromatizes only minimally, meaning that only a very small part of the substance can be converted into Estrogen, since the Dihydrotestosterone does not aromatize. The users of Andriol therefore do not experience feminization symptoms such as gynecomastia or increased body fat.

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